Using your eSpatial Mobile Application
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Update your Day on-the-Fly

How to update your schedule on the fly in the field


It is rare that a day goes to plan. You may have cancelled meetings, you may finish up meetings early or overrun, and never mind traffic incidents. While planning is important, you have to be dynamic in your day and adjust to everything that life throws at you.

With the eSpatial Mobile App, you can start with an ordered route for the day and update it on-the-fly. You can manually add in a customer that you would like to add, or you can let eSpatial do it for you, using the Optimize Day option.

You can add a stop or optimize your route by selecting the + icon. From here the options of Optimize Day and Add Stop will appear.

Optimize Route

Optimize Route

Optimize route allows you to reoptimize your day based on the shortest distance, potential sales, last check or stop time.

Optimze Selection

Adding Stops

Add stop allows you to set a specific time to visit a selected stop or you can allow eSpatial to schedule an optimal time to visit. Once you select Confirm. You can then choose a stop to visit from your list or map view. In the list view you can choose to filter your data by an attribute for your accounts or by the drive time to each stop from your location.

Add stop time      Add stop listAdd stop list filter

In Map view you can use the address search to find new prospects to visit. Once the address is added to your map select it and select add stop to add it to your schedule..

Map View and Address Search     Addres Search

Add stop address point

Removing Stops

If an appointment cancels you can also choose to remove the stop from your route. To do this select the stop on your route and select Remove Stop.

Remove Stop Selection     Remove a Stop